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ag九游会官方 fine dining-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

发布日期:2024-04-08 07:13    点击次数:162

ag九游会官方 fine dining-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

护理「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


要是您心爱在佛罗里达晒日光浴,那么本期共享的这座名为East Sister Rock Island的迷你私东谈主岛屿一定不会令你失望。

If you enjoy basking in the Florida sun, then this edition's featured private island, East Sister Rock Island, is sure not to disappoint you.

East Sister Rock Island位于距离迈阿密约120英里的海域,距离马拉松的Sombrero海滩仅四分之一英里,从大陆乘船仅需短短三分钟。岛上设有船厂和直升机起降平台,提供多种方便过问神情。隔邻的马拉松市则提供了丰富的购物、好意思食、画廊、水疗中心和高尔夫球场等文娱法式。另外,仅需两个半小时的车程即可抵达迈阿密,为您提供更多的文娱遴荐。

Located approximately 120 miles from Miami, and just a quarter mile from Sombrero Beach in Marathon, East Sister Rock Island is easily accessible by a brief three-minute boat ride from the mainland. Boasting a dock and a helicopter landing platform, the island offers multiple convenient entry options. The nearby city of Marathon provides ample opportunities for shopping, fine dining, art galleries, spa centers, and golf courses. Additionally, a mere two-and-a-half-hour drive takes you to the vibrant city of Miami, offering even more entertainment options.


Situated on a tropical paradise amidst coral reefs, East Sister Rock Island is surrounded by protective rocks that shield it from wave impacts, providing stunning 360-degree sea views. The island is home to diverse wildlife, including dolphins, manatees, starfish, pelicans, and herons. The surrounding coral reefs offer excellent snorkeling opportunities, while the coastline is ideal for fishing and various water sports.

East Sister Rock Island占地约1.5英亩,领有一座面积达2,300畴昔英尺的两居室住宅以及一座寥寂的一居室客用别墅。住宅里面假想为怒放式布局,铺有木地板,梁式天花板,无数窗户和19扇巨型滑动玻璃门,使2700畴昔英尺的阳台从任何房间王人能赏玩到周围的海景。

Occupying approximately 1.5 acres, East Sister Rock Island features a 2,300-square-foot two-bedroom main residence and a separate one-bedroom guest villa. The open-concept interior is adorned with wooden floors, beamed ceilings, numerous windows, and 19 massive sliding glass doors, offering uninterrupted sea views from any room onto the 2,700-square-foot balcony.


Indoor spaces include a spacious living and dining area with a media zone, bar, and game area. The two bedrooms in the main house feature high ceilings with reflective paint, providing an unobstructed view of the Atlantic's breathtaking scenery.The kitchen is equipped with a granite island and backsplash, along with state-of-the-art stainless steel appliances. Additionally, there's a billiards area on the surrounding porch, an outdoor kitchen, and a relaxation zone. In the standalone guest cabin, in addition to the living room and kitchen, there are also a washer and dryer.

East Sister Rock Island领有完善的基础法式,收尾了自食其力。岛上树立了备用电板系统、全屋发电机、风力和太阳能发电系统,以及1.5万加仑的淡水蓄池塘和海水淡化系统。此外,岛上还设有游池塘、直升机停机坪和船埠。为了提供当代便利,岛上还树立了中央空调、卫星电视和无线互联网。

East Sister Rock Island boasts self-sufficiency with a comprehensive infrastructure. The island is equipped with a backup battery system, a whole-house generator, wind, and solar power systems, along with a 15,000-gallon freshwater reservoir and its own seawater desalination system. Additional amenities include a swimming pool, a helicopter pad, and a dock. Modern conveniences such as central air conditioning, satellite TV, and wireless internet are also provided.

East Sister Rock Island是恒久产权私东谈主岛屿,挂牌价为1,650万好意思元。如有兴致,迎接私信商讨。

East Sister Rock Island is a privately owned island with permanent property rights, listed for $16.5 million USD. If this piques your interest, feel free to send your inquiry.


Thanks for your time. Until next time!



0093 Roberts Cay & Nancy Skinner's Cay|位于埃克苏马礁的两座优质私东谈主岛屿

0092 Wailagilala Island|斐济最妍丽的私东谈主岛屿之一

0091 Columbia Island & Pea Island|位于好意思国纽约的王人市绿洲

0090 Paradise Island|塞舌尔的天国岛

0089 Powell Cay|谄谀佛罗里达州的加勒比海私东谈主岛屿

0088 Japao Island|被基督迷恋的巴西私东谈主岛屿

0087 St. Margret Island|300万好意思金的好意思东私东谈主岛屿

Global Domain 「岛鸣海外」是私东谈主岛屿生存神情的主张者,奋勉于提供巨匠限制内真实有用的私东谈主岛屿销售信息及配套管事。在后疫情和地缘政事封锁风险加大的新时间配景下,为高净值东谈主群对资金安全和东谈主身安全的双重需求建议改进性的处置有假想。

